Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Extreme diets to lose weight fast

Every woman wants the perfect body ideal and healthy. Sometimes some women tried various ways to achieve that goal. Especially for a Hollywood actress who became the center of attention of the world, the diet is something natural thing to do extreme diets to lose weight fast.

This time we will review some of the tricks of extreme weight loss diet ever made by Hollywood actresses. Warning ...! This is just info only and do not let you duplicate it and do not fall on the same issue and do not ever do extreme diets to lose weight fast.

1. Elizabeth Hurley

Watercress soup diet is a diet mainstay of this one artist. According to the watercress soup contains no fat, but contains fewer calories, rich in vitamins and iron as well as having good taste. Elizabeth Hurley usually drink six cups watercress soup a day if you want to lose weight a few pounds.

Though this diet can lead be decreased immune system itself because this diet actually makes him sick and ultimately restore his weight on its original condition.

2. Kate Winslet

Facial Analysis Diet performed by Kate Winslet her postpartum. This diet uses facial wrinkles, skin color, texture of the skin to be analyzed. The purpose of this analysis is to determine what foods are required to avoid the artist in order to get the ideal body back.
This diet has never been studied scientifically, so it is unclear validity of the formulation of the plan according to the analysis of this face.

3. Mariah Carey

Bleak diet diva performed by this one to lose weight. This diet is usually done by eating foods that are very fresh, such as eating fresh fish or soup.

This diet is actually not bad for health, but it is very difficult to do so many people always leave the way this diet. I hope you can choose the right way to lose weight in a safe and healthy so as not to cause problems later on. Do not ever do extreme diets to lose weight fast.

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